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 In 1789 Captain Arthur Phillip, governor of the Colony of NSW, kidnapped the Wangal man Bennelong, as potential negotiator for a treaty. The treaty never eventuated, but the stories of these two men became permanently entwined. Kate Fullagar explores the complexities of their relationship. Bennelong and Phillip were the most influential leaders for their respective peoples, during the initial period of contact from 1788.


"At a moment of profound uncertainty for future relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, Bennelong & Phillip is essential reading. " (Mar McKenna)


"Kate Fullager has achieved something astonishing...This is reconciled history at its very best." (Lynette Russell)


"With insight and empathy, Kate Fullager adds new depth and meaning to this old story of nation-building and imperial dispossession." (Bill Gammage)


"Bennelong & Phillip is the foundation story of us - the story of Country - the story of our nation." (John Paul Janke)

Bennelong & Phillip by Kate Fullagar

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